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We exist to provide our communities with convenience and caring service experiences. EVERY delivery is important.

How does it work?

We exist to provide our communities with convenience and caring service experiences EVERY delivery is important
Delivery Powered by Local Passion
1) Sign up for Square (card reader)Click HERE to sign up for your Sqaure and ensure you select that you want a card reader. If you have an iPhone that doesn't have a headphone jack, there is an additional cost for the adapter. Seach the Square site for more details. It takes about 5-7 days to get you square reader. The card reader is required in order to get card tips at the point of delivery.
2) Buy bagsIt's suggested you purchase your bags from Amazon Prime to enjoy the free 2-day shipping (or as they offer free 2-day shipping WITHOUT a membership). To know what type, size, etc. bag you need, refer to these two links: Bag 1 and Bag 2.
3) Download Delivery Driver AppSearch your app or play store to find the Tookan Agent. I will provide you your username and password. This will be your delivery app used to help you make deliveries.
4) Download WhatsappWhatsapp is the way the team communicates.
5) Complete W-9Complete the W-9 HERE. The company name on the form should be your name as it's your business (as an Independent Contractor. After you fill it out, download and send to

1) Sign up for Square (card reader)Click HERE to sign up for your Sqaure and ensure you select that you want a card reader. If you have an iPhone that doesn't have a headphone jack, there is an additional cost for the adapter. Seach the Square site for more details. It takes about 5-7 days to get you square reader. The card reader is required in order to get card tips at the point of delivery.
2) Buy bagsIt's suggested you purchase your bags from Amazon Prime to enjoy the free 2-day shipping (or as they offer free 2-day shipping WITHOUT a membership). To know what type, size, etc. bag you need, refer to these two links: Bag 1 and Bag 2.
3) Download Delivery Driver AppSearch your app or play store to find the Tookan Agent. I will provide you your username and password. This will be your delivery app used to help you make deliveries.
4) Download WhatsappWhatsapp is the way the team communicates.
5) Complete W-9Complete the W-9 HERE. The company name on the form should be your name as it's your business (as an Independent Contractor. After you fill it out, download and send to
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